Monday, February 22, 2021

Old, New, Borrowed, and Blue: You’ll Want These Figured Out Way Before Your Wedding Morning

So, at first thought, ‘something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue’ just seems like an old school wedding tradition that has totally worn out its wear. And we get it, it’s not a critical part of the wedding picture - getting married without them doesn’t mean your day will be cursed or your future will be destined for failure - not by any stretch of the imagination. But like other things that give your day a sense of ceremoniousness, in a sort of “without your old, new, borrowed, and blue, were you even a bride?” kind of way (and let’s be clear about this, you absolutely are, that’s not conditional), this wedding prescription is just lots of fun. Brides look forward to planning out their ‘somethings,’ and when they get stuck or need some new inspiration, they can turn to the closest people to them to source something special. 

The cool thing about the wedding-ism in this day and age, is that there truly is no formula to honor it: the old, the new, the borrowed, the blue, they’re all up to you and your own interpretations. They don’t have to be woven into your wedding ensemble, they don’t even have to be noticeable to anyone but you, and to be honest, they don’t even have to be tangible - for instance, maybe you and your fiancé dated and broke up years ago and then got back together and engaged shortly after. Your relationship and decision to wed, then, can be your something old and something new. It makes sense, it’s meaningful, and better yet, it’s modern. 

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